Wednesday, December 28, 2011


现在 假期咯

今天 今天 今天的心情
汽车修理不好 可是却花了无谓的钱 也花了无谓的时间

好烦 还有好多事要处理
假期原本应该是好开心 很自由 没烦恼
一些东西还么处理好 一些东西却还没有得到一个答案

其实一路走来 自己的心情也不都只不过是这样
没有怎样的特别 也许已经看化好多东西了
是这样发生 没有必要再问为什么
相反的 只能已硬着头皮去面对它

距离2012年还剩下几天 3天吧
一年又要过去了 想想今年年头的承诺

在接下来的blog post,应该会回顾一下今年所发生过的事情吧!!

~eRiC mOo~

Monday, November 14, 2011

人生 就是不停的战斗

人生 就是不停的战斗
这句话 我觉得很棒 很棒
其实想一想 人生有时就连休息的时间都不能有
因为其实当你放慢你的脚步 又或者在休息的时候
一旦我慢下来 我就比其他人慢一拍

人生 要活得精彩 要活得灿烂 就要拼

《那些年 我们一起追的女孩》 的确勾引了好多的回忆
蛮棒的一部电影 这些情节 都是很典型的
无论如何 再累 在不喜欢
人生 就是不停的战斗!!

~eRiC mOo~

Friday, October 28, 2011

friday?! FrIdAy?! fRiDay?! FRIDAY?!

friday?! FrIdAy?! fRiDaY?! FRIDAY?! is friday!! normally friday is a very relaxing day for everyone...
but not for me...not only this week, but the whole semester!!becoz im having class on every staurday from now until december!!this is juz sad,everyone is enjoying with their weekends but i have to attend im having japanese test on 2moro,that's why i totally cant feel the mood of friday!!preparing for the test :( so ppl,wish me best of luck for my very 1st japanese test!!haha...chill la~~quite enjoy with my japanese class also xD

but hor...ppl weekdays got class,every tuesday to thurday i also tak ada class leh..not bad also right? i will assume my weekends is on every tuesday to thursday lo!!
nothing much change in this sem,life here still kinda busy especially in this short sem,everything must be done in 7 weeks time...rushing for events,and of coz...rushing for assignments as well!!hmmm..actually im quite enjoy with my life here now...!!
but something cannot deny is that...sometimes i will feel like going back home also!!haha...miss my home,miss my bed and especially my air cond!! good if i can install an air cond here!!haha...kampar life,really gave me a lot of new experience and of coz breakthrough in big deal de!!

oh is 28/10/11...
1)my dad's birthday!!too bad la this year,dad's birthday also cannot go back to kl and celebrate with him...what kind of son is this? la,as what i mentioned, im having class on saturday!!impossible for me to skipppp class right although i wanna do so actually...!!haha...xD stay healthy :)
2)and today is also my best friend >>> alwyn tan yong peng's birthday!!happy blessed birthday dude...!!too bad cant celebrate with u as well!!still remember u were at my home celebrate together with my dad...omg!!1 year already!!so fast!!one year older liao la...wish u all the best in everything and may all yr dreams come true!!
this photo,taken last year during this time i guess!!!!haha...

~eRiC mOo~

Thursday, October 6, 2011

有型吗?这就是RCM Committees!!


5 managers from different departments...

~eRiC mOo~

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Life is tough, but I AM TOUGHER!!

life is never easy...
life is tough....
but i will force myself to remember...

~eRiC mOo~

Thursday, September 29, 2011

1st degree sem break....


这个sem break,其实还过得蛮充实的
那3天里 我就真的什么都没有想 没有理

这3天 玩的真的很开心 大家都很享受 玩的很颠
多希望 真的希望 能够把那3天hold住
那一种可以什么都不想的生活 没有顾虑的生活
在真正的生活里头 又有能多少次

现实永远都是残酷的 3天后 又得回到那种现实的生活
在回来kl的真个路程,那一种的压力 烦恼
真的能够觉得,慢慢回来了,越靠近kl, 头脑越重



生活得继续 人总要向前望
各位 各位朋友们 人生 真的不简单
绪 谁都要面对
切记,开始的路程,一定是很艰难的...DO NOT GIVE UP :)

~eRiC mOo~

Saturday, August 20, 2011

我 Me

有一个星期了 日子都是那样
每天都很忙 一天竟然可以赶3场meeting
从早上一出门 一直到很也才到家
让自己的生活变得充实 才没有机会想东想西
让自己变忙 让自己变麻木 麻醉自己

该放下的 都应该放下了吧
生活 有时真的不简单
能走到今天 也不容易 甜酸苦辣
再多难撑 再多难顶 再多难熬 再多幸苦
终于 好不容易才熬过了两个presentations...
从来没有为presentation 烦恼过

反正 日子还是那样过
现在的我 就是那种 》》 随便吧 就接受咯
也不再多问为什么 为什么 为什么

有些事情 我宁愿没有发生过
有些事情 我宁愿没有经历过
有些事情 我宁愿我什么都不懂
算啦 就这样吧
反正我现在的生活 过得应该不错吧
也许 对 也许

把自己锁死 领悟过了
尝试过 一次就够


~eRiC mOo~

Sunday, August 14, 2011

peaceful sunday night

the weather in kampar jus so nice, relax...becoz kampar rain from
afternoon to night...
stop my blog's song...and listen to this music that i post...
this music...
so suit for this environment...
i enjoy the weather when listening to this music...
is like putting away all my thoughts...not think think of anything...
just make yr mind clear...relax...enjoy...
made me feel tonight is a very peaceful sunday...
the peaceful sunday ever in kampar... very busy right now...
busy bout assignments...busy bout meeting meeting and meeting..
but still...i can feel the relax-ness...thx to the weather..
thx to the music...just want to be alone now...
to enjoy what im enjoying now...
once again...i really feel very peace tonight...
a silent + peaceful sunday...
this is the great time to be alone...

~eRiC mOo~

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


两个小时前 人在KL 两个小时后 人在kampar

回去吉隆坡6天了 我也不知道 这6天是怎样过的

过得还蛮充实 时间过得真的好快

回去见会foundation的朋友们 又勾起了我一些的回忆

也勾起了我一些的情绪 而这一种的情绪


看到大家 真的觉得全部东西都都变了

再怎样 也跑不了回去从前

各都有各忙的 大家都有各自的生活

不能再问 为什么 不能再问怎样

就只能接受 向前看 过去的 就让它过去吧

我想对你们这班朋友说 我们的友谊永远都存在

因为经历的 实在是太多了

唯一觉得安慰的 就是你还当我是你的好朋友

我现在的生活 真的有够忙 忙 是为了麻醉自己吗?

当朋友问我的时候 我也花了一些时间来思考


要是小叮当真的存在的话 那多好 因为可以回去以前的日子

不是不能放下 因为时不时我的头脑还会出现 为什么 这3个字

我很埋怨自己 有时候我真的对自己不好

为什么就是我要面对这一些 都是我

有时我宁愿我是个傻傻的 闷闷的 没有想法的书呆子

做个没有感觉的人 因该也不错一下吧

~eRiC mOo~

Sunday, July 31, 2011

忙 但是我喜欢

wah wah wah...

degree的生活 真的 一点都不简单
那些assignment 真的有够我紧张
有够我刺激 心跳指数上上下下

参与的活动 真的 十只手指数也数不清
每一天赶完这一场meeting 就要赶去第二场meeting
从早上就忙到晚上 回到家已经是十点多了

也只有这样 我才不用想那么多
让我就真的 忙 忙 忙 忙 忙 忙 忙 忙 忙

有时在想 参与那么多东西 是好还是不好?

只有这样 我学的 经历的 会更多



Tuesday, July 19, 2011


今天 和朋友去了游乐场走走

坐在秋千上 就谈谈天

谈着谈着 就看到有一些小孩子正在玩耍

不知道为什么 每次看见这些小孩子

我都会想 唉 你们真的还有很长的路要跑

几时才能好像我这样 可是 往另一方面想

他们好像真的玩的很开心 对这个世界


看回自己 在深入想一想

其实 我真的 不知道怎样去开心了


每一天的笑容 就是场面的笑容

假如我是那些小孩子 那应该很好

不用想那么多 很天真的一天过一天

要怎么开心 要怎么笑 我也不会在乎了

事情要怎样发生 就随便吧

反正 我就对自己说过


我要更精彩 更有满足感

更让我学会的是 要更懂得保护我自己

说真的 现在我在做的 全部都是在为我自己做的

只有这样 是对我自己好一点 我要对我自己更好

过去的 就让它成为回忆吧

昨天f发的那场那场梦 永远都只不过是一场梦

加油吧 好朋友

~eRiC mOo~

Sunday, July 10, 2011

learn to be an emotional-ess person...

another week is gone!

time flies...

i think everything is going well and fine here...

as usual, everyday sleep at almost 2am, wake up at 6.45pm..

and yes..this is my lifestyle now...

i just cannot force myself to really sleep although i feel very tired or sleepy...

sometimes is because about assignments...sometimes is i really dun wan to sleep...

and all my PR coursemate,almost all the same...

everyone macam hantu juz because of all those stupid assignments...

i am trying to be an emotional-ess person...

i am trying to be feel-ess person..
i am trying to be very tired...

i am trying to make myself to be numbed...

finally, i realised something...!!and many things.

from now onwards..

i will stay strong with myself...

i will protect myself...

i will not let myself to get hurt anymore...!!

i will put myself in front of everything...!

no dealing with me anymore...

this is the only way to protect myself...

~eRiC mOo~

Monday, July 4, 2011

付出 值得?

付出了 不一定会得到你想得到的

再说 付出 也不是说为了要得到什么回报

换回来的 就只有伤痕

好了 够了


我不要因为这样 就一直纠缠我的情绪

不要理 不要管


我要继续创 我要继续前进了


有些东 真的看透了

无法否认 这一整年里

发生了不少事情 经历不少事情

到现在 真的太多的遗憾了

痛吗 当然痛 伤吗 当然伤

付出过的 竟然都不被肯定的

可是我不要因为这些原因 阻止我前进

我应该要活得更好 更精彩

我要为自己而活 过去的

再怎样想 就让它吧

那个伤 就让它自己慢慢痊愈


毕竟 我有我自己的生活要过

总不能停留 我有更大的事情要做


就这样 让它慢慢淡化吧

~eRiC mOo~

Monday, June 20, 2011






我真的很想 不理任何事情


这一关 为什么就是那么难过


我 玩不起了 我没有力再玩了





这样的情况 要维持多久?


不要再让我这样了好吗 我很想脱离

我真的玩不起了 行吗


另外一个朋友 很想让你知道

其实在你的背后 有一群很大群的朋友在挺你

teach me how to manage myself?

~eRiC mOo~

Saturday, June 18, 2011

silence is the best solution for problems


yes,i will...

remain silence is not means that i dun knw anything

remain silence is not means that i dun wan say anything

is just that im trying not to involve

that's why i wont ask and get an accurate answer...

i choose to let it be

but actually do i care?do i mind?

yes i am

somehow i feel tired of being like that...

and hence,i choose to remain silence

remain silence becoz i dun wan to creat any problem

that's why...

sometimes,remain silence is the best solution to solve a problem

and juz let it it or not,just accept,this is only the thing i can do...

feel 'alone' so what?life goes on...

somehow,this is a very very big turning point to me..!!

it turns in a sudden...i just cannot cope with it very well...

last time every changes i can cope very well with it...

why is this time so different?

conclusion:sometimes,silence is the best solution for problems

~eRiC mOo~

Sunday, June 12, 2011

my very 1st assignment in kampar >> intro to advertising

finally...done with my very 1st assignment in kampar >>> introduction to advertising!!what is all about this assignment??okok..let me tell you guys,this assignment basically is just want us to interview 3 persons,and u can just ask any question in this assignment,after that combine it together to form a A5 booklet...guess who are the 3 persons who were interviewed by me?!! dad,my mum and my aunty!!funny right?!!since this subject is advertising,it require some kind of creativity to decorate this booklet,and when talk about creativity,really omg!!i spent almost a week to finish up this booklet with all those cut cut cut and paste paste paste...!!i feel that im a half graphic design student!!lol...and and and...before i start my degree,i really dun knw that my minor is advertising...!!until im here,the lecturer told us that ' For PR students,yr minor course will be ADVERTISING...!!of coz...i enjoy the time when i was doing the assignment with liang wei and yumi tan...we keep on talk and talk,laugh and laugh,apa pun boleh cakap..!!lol...alright,now let me show show my work...u may leave yr comment whether is positive or negative,but also give some face la,haha~~

this is my cover page,and im trying to make it 3D...

got 3D feel tak?!lol...

my 1st interviewee >>>> my mother

2nd interviewee >>> my aunty

3rd interviewee>>>>my father

2moro is monday again!!a brand new week...!!continue to move forward!!study study and study...!!i will only allow myself to stay in kampar for 3 years, NO MORE and NO LESS...!!

add oil ppl...

~eRiC mOo~

Saturday, June 11, 2011


不知不觉 已经在金宝3个星期了
应该说 还在努力
无法否认 有时候 真的觉得还蛮‘一个人’的
想念朋友吗?当然想念咯 偶尔都会找下他们
可是都好像没有人理我 可能大家都在忙吧
发了短讯 却没有得到任何的回应
各位 大家还好吗?我这里还好吗?
其实 自己都知道 并不是那么好
可是 我每一天都在很努力的过这里日子
不是说我不喜欢这里的环境 只不过觉得有一些怪怪的感觉
我总是要让自己习惯 毕竟要呆在这里3年
有时候相会以前的日子 还真蛮怀念的 还蛮想念以前一大班朋友一起上课
过去的 都已经过去了 这一切 都只能成为回忆
现在 上课的心情 总是怪怪的
我已经很努力逼自己 要继续向前看 想着想着
其实还蛮累的 我没有选择 我只能继续的这样走
再累 也只能继续走
有些东西 不应该放任何希望吧 希望越大 失望也越大
很有无奈的感觉 反正 就没有人能够了解我里面的心情
就继续撑 让我自己陪伴我自己吧



努力的当中 逼自己的当中 让自己充实的当中 稍微放慢脚步看看自己 还真蛮累的 生活就是这样 我不okay 可是 是没有人能够理解的 此时此刻的心情 就是不okay
突然间 觉得很没有力量 突然间 觉得有点累了 可能习惯了 就会麻木 麻木了 可能也不会有这种感觉了

单方面维持一段友谊 有时候也会觉得累

有时候 一句的问候 也许 真的能够鼓励 到我

朋友 加油吧

~eRiC mOo~

Monday, June 6, 2011

KL to Kampar >>> 再多难熬 也要熬过去

finally...went back to KL on last friday,time really flies...and of coz,im now in kampar again!!this is the 1st time taking ktm back to kampar from KL becoz normally also got driver de ma...haha~~luckly this time got ppl teman me back to kampar,if not,2 hours in the ktm sure fikir banyak banyak...xDD this is the 3rd week im in kampar...if u ask,is eveything okay?hmmm..i dun how to answer this question,basically i like the environment here,but somehow,i juz feel something is wrong...that's why,until now i am still working very hard to adapt...!! this is my friend that coming back with me...ah moon,lol~~

mana semua buildings?!lol...back to kampung area again!! :(

hmmm...what else now?i also dun knw le...although many things keep on coming to brain,all these might affect my feelings,my mood...but nothing much i can do...the only thing i can do is,juz face it,juz overcome it,becoz u can only let it be whether u like it or not.everyone has their own problems,u like it or not,life goes goes on..everything changed!!juz accept it,again,i cannot do anything much....

im okay?!dun knw...

always ok not to be ok...i should enjoy my campus life,whatever should put down,i must put down...look forward,and of coz not only me,to all my friends as well...!!nothing is easy...everything is juz bout yr thinking...

再多难熬 也要熬过去

~eRiC mOo~

Friday, June 3, 2011

healthy life in kampar...

wow~~2 weeks life in kampar!!ermmm...same thing,still working very hard to make myself to adapt..!!yup,working very very very hard!!and i knw i can do it..guess what,the 1st week of the class...lecturer started to mentioned bout assignments, fast?really diff with foundation...and and mid term for this trimester,course works is all practicle,presentation this a good news or not arr?sooo damn stress la...xDD every 2 weeks must hand in 1 assignment!!GOD bless everyday also very healthy liao..becoz going to jogging everyday at 5pm...since so so so less entertain in of the heathy entertainment is....jogging!!xDD funny right?but actually,not bad also ma...agree?

a bit emo thattime,many things came into my brainthe view of the lake...
nice right?!
this is a very nice place to emo..haha~~

i enjoy the environment there...but somehow i miss pj life also!!keep on moving and moving!!no more 'u' turn...eric moo can over come everything!!

~eRiC mOo~

Monday, May 30, 2011

1st post in kampar...

1st post in kampar...

well...actually im still working very hard to adapt my life here...

something that cannot deny,i very miss my buddies in pj

i like the environment here,but i miss my pj life with them as well...

to be honest,i can adapt actually,is juz that i really miss my friends in pj...

everything changed...

i knw pj life now is changed as well...

how are u guyss over there?

sometimes feel like finding u all and want to chat with u guys,

but scare i will kacau kacau...

they are working very hard for talent time now...

so sad that im not with them...cannot work with them


yesterday was the 1st class without u all...

the mood is totally different...

how good if u guys are here...

but the only thing i can do is...

i must learn to adapt...

tell myself, i have to move on and grow up...

i knw i will learn something new over here...

all the best ppl...

~eRiC mOo~

Thursday, May 19, 2011

last day of working >>> Utar DSA office...

monday was the last day of my working day at utar dsa office...and what is in my mind now is..time to really leave from KL as i hav to continue with my degreee course at kampar
once again,i will be going there for 3 years...
honestly,my mind is now actually blank and dun knw what will happen once im in kampar...many question marks in my brain now...!!
but somehow i have to face it,i cannot do any 'U turn' anymore...
i have to put down many many many things...and of coz,its not easy!!
but..time can heals time goes on,i knw i can adapt with the new enviroment!!
i will get used to it as well...wish me luck ppl!!
the 1st month might be a bit suffer,but think still can handle de la...!!
i am very clear with my own direction and vision for my future,my target and the real reason that why must i leave...! i am very clear about all this...3 years,i knw i will gain a lot after 3 years... juz wait and see...!!i can do it...
same toall my friends as well...u guys can do it as well!!wish u guys best of luck...those beautiful memories that u guys gave to me,i will never forget...!!
since monday was the last day of my working day,managed to took some photo with my so call 'colleagues' >>>DSA officers...thanks for the guidance and giving a me a chance to 'work' with u all...its fun and happy to wor with u guys!!hope DSA officers from kampar also as fun as u all la...haha~~

nadia and eric....~~

dun knw what to post...that's this lo..haha~~

working with u guys are really fun...and happy!!haha

my working table...~~

miss connie and eric moo~~

miss aw and eric moo~~

miss ejean,eric moo and miss aw....

leng lui la leng lui la...haha~~

time to really put a full stop to my foundation life...and everything is ended.i dun knw is this consider as a happy ending or not...but,every good things will come to an end!!new challenges are waiting for me to settle them...!!all the best :) no matter goes on...xD

~eRiC moO~

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

u guys are awesome >>> friendship forever :)

what to post for today...!!let's talk bout my birthday la...first of all,i want to say thousand times of thank you to my gang of friends in UTAR,u guys are awesome...!!guess what they did to me?lol...they came to my hse last week without my acknowledge...omg!!which mean,they gave me a surpise!!i was so touched man...most memorable birthday to me,thank you for all the presents,escpecially the cup with our photos...!!

they even decorated the car....
cake that i paling sukaaaaaaaaaaaa!!
this is the cup that full of our photos....
see...i was so happyyyyyyy~~
miss connieeeeethx to tony and alwyn...i will live happy!!XXDD
power ranger!!
once again..thank you very muchy!!other than that,i really dun knw what i ca say!!i appreciate it very very very much,u guys are awesome,my best friendssss forever...!!u guys are playing very important role in my foundation life...!!thank you~~
and and and...not to forget,wishes from facebook,and also sms....also thank you very much!!
results is coming out soon le...juz hope i can passsss all!!so that i can continue with my degree...
i think is good for the whole enviroment once i leave here to kampar...!!dun ask me why,becoz i also dun knw why...!!

to all my friends...once again i really appreciate u guys!!
glad to have u all in mu foundation life...cheersss :)

~eRiC mOo~